How to Maintain Outdoor Fountain

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to maintain your outdoor fountain. If you’re fortunate enough to have a beautiful fountain gracing your garden or patio, you know that it’s a captivating centerpiece that adds elegance and tranquility to your outdoor space. 

However, to ensure your fountain continues to mesmerize and delight, regular maintenance is key. Below, we’ll walk you through practical tips and expert advice on maintaining your outdoor fountain, so you can keep it looking its best year-round.

Imagine sitting in your garden, listening to the gentle babbling of water as it cascades down your fountain, creating a soothing symphony of tranquility. To experience this blissful ambiance, it’s important to give your fountain the care and attention it deserves.

First and foremost, let’s emphasize the importance of regular maintenance for your outdoor fountain. Beyond mere aesthetics, proper care ensures the longevity and functionality of your fountain.

From preventing damage to preserving water quality, maintenance plays a vital role in sustaining the beauty and performance of this enchanting water feature.

Now, let’s dive into the myriad of benefits that await those who diligently maintain their outdoor fountain. A well-cared-for fountain becomes a striking focal point, capturing the attention of all who enter your garden.

The tranquil sounds of cascading water create an atmosphere of relaxation, offering a soothing respite from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Furthermore, a well-maintained fountain can attract wildlife, such as birds and butterflies, transforming your outdoor space into a vibrant and harmonious ecosystem.

From cleaning and removing debris to ensuring proper water circulation and preventing algae growth, we’ll cover every aspect of fountain maintenance.

Whether you’re a seasoned fountain owner or a beginner embarking on this delightful journey, this guide will equip you with the knowledge and tools to maintain a pristine and enchanting outdoor fountain.

So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to keeping your outdoor fountain sparkling and captivating, providing you with years of joy, serenity, and a touch of natural elegance. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Maintaining Your Outdoor Fountain

Maintaining an outdoor fountain may seem like a daunting task, but fear not! With our step-by-step guide, you’ll become a fountain maintenance pro in no time.

Whether you’re a seasoned fountain owner or a newbie, these practical tips will ensure that your fountain remains a stunning focal point in your outdoor space.

So, let’s dive in and discover how to maintain your outdoor fountain like a pro.

how to maintain outdoor fountain

Preparing for Maintenance:

Before you begin the maintenance process, it’s important to gather the necessary tools and supplies. You’ll need a soft-bristle brush, a bucket, a garden hose with a spray attachment, mild soap or fountain cleaner, and a pair of gloves.

Once you have everything ready, it’s time to turn off the fountain. Locate the power source or switch and make sure the fountain is completely shut off. This step ensures your safety during the cleaning process.

Cleaning the Fountain:

  1. Removing Debris and Leaves: Start by removing any visible debris or leaves from the fountain basin. Use your hands or a small net to scoop out larger debris. This prevents clogs and allows the water to flow freely.
  2. Scrubbing the Fountain Surfaces: Dip the soft-bristle brush into a mixture of mild soap or fountain cleaner and water. Gently scrub the fountain surfaces, including the basin, walls, and decorative elements. Pay extra attention to any stubborn stains or algae buildup. Rinse the surfaces thoroughly with clean water.
  3. Flushing Out the Pump and Tubing: Next, locate the pump and tubing within the fountain. Carefully disconnect the tubing and remove the pump from the water. Clean the pump by rinsing it with water and removing any debris or blockages. Inspect the tubing for clogs and clean it as necessary. Reconnect the tubing and place the pump back into the water.

Treating Water-Related Issues:

  1. Addressing Algae Growth: Algae growth is a common issue in outdoor fountains. To combat it, consider using an algaecide specifically formulated for fountains. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to treat and prevent algae growth effectively. Regularly cleaning the fountain and maintaining proper water circulation will also help deter algae.
  2. Dealing with Mineral Buildup: Over time, minerals can accumulate in your fountain, leading to unsightly deposits. To remove mineral buildup, use a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and water. Scrub the affected areas gently with a soft brush, then rinse thoroughly. Repeat the process as needed.
  3. Balancing the Water pH: Maintaining proper water pH is crucial for the health of your fountain. Test the water regularly using a pH testing kit, and adjust it accordingly. Follow the recommended guidelines for adding pH adjusters or water treatments to keep the water balanced and prevent issues like scale formation.
EasyCare FounTec Algaecide and Clarifier

Maintaining the Fountain Pump:

  1. Checking for Clogs and Blockages: Inspect the fountain pump regularly for any clogs or blockages. Remove the pump from the water and disassemble it if necessary. Clean out any debris or obstructions that may hinder the pump’s performance. Ensure all connections are secure before reassembling and placing the pump back in the water.
  2. Lubricating the Pump: Some fountain pumps require lubrication to function smoothly. Check the manufacturer’s instructions to determine if your pump needs lubrication. If so, use a lubricant recommended for fountain pumps and apply it as directed.
  3. Inspecting and Replacing Worn-Out Parts: Periodically inspect the pump for signs of wear and tear. Check for any damaged or worn-out parts, such as the impeller or seals. If you notice any issues, replace the faulty parts promptly to maintain optimal pump performance.

Winterizing the Fountain:

  1. Draining and Cleaning the Fountain: Before winter arrives, drain the fountain completely to prevent freezing. Remove all water from the basin and ensure the pump is dry. Thoroughly clean the fountain, removing any debris or dirt that may have accumulated.
  2. Protecting the Fountain from Freezing Temperatures: Cover the fountain with a waterproof and breathable fountain cover to shield it from harsh winter conditions. Additionally, insulate the fountain’s pipes and tubing with pipe insulation or heating cables to prevent freezing.
  3. Storing the Fountain Components: If your fountain is easily detachable, consider storing it indoors during winter months. Disassemble the fountain, clean all components, and store them in a dry and protected area. This helps extend the lifespan of your fountain and prevents potential damage from freezing temperatures.

maintain outdoor fountain

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Your Outdoor Fountain

While regular maintenance goes a long way in preventing problems with your outdoor fountain, occasional issues may still arise.

In this section, we’ll discuss some common problems fountain owners encounter and provide effective troubleshooting tips to get your fountain back in optimal condition.

Low Water Flow or Pump Failure:

If you notice a decrease in water flow or your fountain pump stops working altogether, there are a few steps you can take.

First, check if there are any clogs or blockages in the pump or tubing and clean them out if necessary.

Ensure that the pump is properly connected and the power supply is functioning. If the issue persists, it may indicate a faulty pump that needs to be replaced.

Algae or Mold Growth:

To tackle algae or mold growth, start by cleaning the fountain thoroughly, removing any visible algae or mold.

Consider adding an algaecide or fountain cleaner to prevent further growth. Increasing the circulation and aeration of the water can also help inhibit the growth of algae.

If the problem persists, you may need to adjust the water chemistry or increase the frequency of cleaning.

Cracks or Leaks in the Fountain Structure:

If you notice cracks or leaks in your fountain structure, it’s essential to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Use a waterproof sealant or epoxy designed for outdoor use to seal minor cracks. For more significant cracks or leaks, you may need professional assistance or consider replacing the damaged parts.

Issues with the Water Level or Fountain Lights:

If you experience problems with the water level in your fountain, check for any leaks or blockages in the plumbing. Adjust the water supply to ensure it remains at the appropriate level.

For fountain lights that are not working, check the connections and replace any faulty bulbs. If the problem persists, consult a professional to inspect the electrical wiring and connections.

Remember, troubleshooting issues with your outdoor fountain requires patience and careful observation. Regular maintenance and prompt action can help prevent major problems and keep your fountain running smoothly. 

Additional Tips for Fountain Maintenance

In addition to the steps outlined earlier, here are some additional tips to enhance your fountain maintenance routine and ensure your outdoor fountain remains in excellent condition:

  1. Regular Inspection and Monitoring: Make it a habit to inspect your fountain regularly. Look for signs of wear, cracks, or any other potential issues. Pay attention to the water flow, pump performance, and overall fountain condition. Early detection of problems can prevent them from escalating and help you address them promptly.
  2. Maintaining Proper Water Levels: Monitor the water levels in your fountain regularly. Ensure the water level remains above the minimum required level to keep the pump running smoothly. Evaporation and splashing can cause water loss over time, so check and refill the fountain as needed.
  3. Using a Fountain Cover: Consider using a fountain cover during periods when the fountain is not in use or during harsh weather conditions. A fountain cover helps protect the fountain from debris, leaves, and excessive exposure to the elements. It can also minimize the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance.
  4. Incorporating Beneficial Additives: Explore the use of beneficial additives to improve the water quality and prevent issues such as algae growth or mineral deposits. For example, you can add a water clarifier or an enzyme-based product to maintain clear and healthy water. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any additives.
  5. Seeking Professional Help if Needed: If you encounter complex issues or are unsure how to address certain problems, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Fountain specialists or technicians have the expertise to diagnose and resolve intricate fountain-related issues, ensuring the proper functioning and longevity of your outdoor fountain.

By incorporating these additional tips into your fountain maintenance routine, you’ll enhance the overall care and longevity of your outdoor fountain.

Remember, regular upkeep and attention will keep your fountain in optimal condition, allowing you to fully enjoy its beauty and tranquility throughout the seasons.

How to maintain outdoor fountain


How often should I clean my outdoor fountain?

The frequency of cleaning your outdoor fountain depends on various factors, including the location, weather conditions, and the amount of debris it attracts.

As a general guideline, it’s recommended to clean your fountain at least once every month or two. However, if you notice excessive debris, algae growth, or water quality issues, more frequent cleanings may be necessary.

Regular inspections will help you determine the optimal cleaning schedule for your specific fountain.

How do I drain and refill my fountain?

To drain your fountain, start by turning off the pump and unplugging it from the power source. Use a submersible pump or siphon to remove the water from the fountain basin.

Once the water is drained, you can clean the fountain as mentioned earlier in this article. Refilling the fountain is simple – just use a garden hose to add water to the desired level, taking care not to overfill. It’s important to use clean, fresh water to maintain the water quality of your fountain.

How can I prevent algae growth in my fountain?

Preventing algae growth requires a combination of regular maintenance practices. Here are a few tips:

  • Clean your fountain regularly to remove debris and organic matter that can promote algae growth.
  • Maintain proper water circulation and consider adding a fountain pump with adequate flow to discourage stagnant water.
  • Keep the fountain in a location with partial shade to minimize direct sunlight, as sunlight promotes algae growth.
  • Balance the water chemistry by monitoring and adjusting the pH levels. Algae thrive in unbalanced water, so ensure the pH remains within the recommended range.
  • Consider using an algaecide or beneficial additives specifically designed for fountains to inhibit algae growth. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper usage.

What should I do during the winter months?

During winter, it’s essential to take appropriate measures to protect your outdoor fountain from freezing temperatures. Here’s what you should do:

  • Drain and clean the fountain, removing all water from the basin and components.
  • Disconnect and remove the pump, storing it indoors in a dry place.
  • Cover the fountain with a waterproof and breathable fountain cover to shield it from snow, ice, and debris.
  • Insulate any exposed pipes or tubing with pipe insulation or heating cables to prevent freezing.
  • Consider using a fountain de-icer or a small submersible heater designed for fountains to keep the water from freezing completely.

By following these winterization steps, you’ll safeguard your fountain from potential damage caused by freezing temperatures.


Maintaining your outdoor fountain doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can keep your fountain clean, functional, and visually appealing throughout the year.

Regular cleaning, addressing water-related issues, maintaining the fountain pump, and winterizing the fountain are crucial aspects of proper fountain maintenance.

Additionally, troubleshooting common issues and implementing the tips and recommendations shared in this article will help you overcome any challenges that may arise.

Remember to monitor your fountain regularly, maintain proper water levels, use a fountain cover, incorporate beneficial additives, and seek professional help when needed.

By dedicating a little time and effort to the care of your outdoor fountain, you can enjoy its beauty, soothing sounds, and tranquil ambiance for years to come. So, go ahead and give your fountain the attention it deserves.