How to Get Rid of Weeds Around Shrubs and Hedges

Weeds can be a severe nuisance when it comes to landscaping. If you have the unfortunate issue of having a lot of weeds around your shrubs or bushes, then you know how frustrating it can be. But with the right tools, tricks and methods, getting rid of weeds around shrubs is not as hard as you might think.

Regardless of the importance and benefits of using shrubs in your landscape, you will face the challenges of dealing with weeds growing around shrubs. Getting rid of these weeds from your yard is not just about removing unsightly plants; it is more about preventing future risks and problems.

Weeds are not just eyesores; they compete with your plants’ roots for water and nutrients, stunting their growth.

The best way to keep weeds under control around your shrub is laying a thick layer of mulch which will keep weeds at bay, but weeds can still grow through it. Here’s how to get rid of weeds around shrubs:

How to Get Rid of Weeds Around Shrubs and Under Hedges

Hand Weeding:

This is a traditional method and one of the easiest ways to get rid of weeds around your shrubs. Hand pulls weeds already growing around your shrubs to get rid of them.

You will need garden gloves, a trowel, and a bucket of soapy water to remove weeds by hand. First, dig around all the weeds you want to remove; this will loosen the dirt around them.

Then pull up the entire weed, roots and all. Rinse the soil off the root system under running water and dispose of it in a plastic bag or trash can. You can then use your garden shears or trowel to cut off any remaining roots attached to your shrub.

remove weeds around shrubs



When it comes to garden care, mulching is a highly effective way to get rid of weeds around your shrubs. Mulching prevents light from reaching seeds and roots that are still below the soil’s surface.

This forces them to die off before they can break through the surface and become a problem in your garden. Keeping your shrubs mulched will see fewer weeds growing in their vicinity.

Mulching helps to:

  • Keep weeds from coming up
  • Keep the soil moist and give it a boost
  • Add nutrients to the soil
  • Keep the surface of the soil cool and even

There are a few different kinds of mulch that you can use. The first kind is called “hardwood mulch,” which shreds hardwood pieces like oak, beech, or ash. This kind of mulch has a brownish color to look great with most plants.

The second kind is called “pine bark mulch.” Pine bark mulch looks pretty white, but it has a lot of nutrients and is super easy to work with. It also lasts longer than hardwood mulch.

The last type of mulching material is called “organic compost.” This stuff is made out of weeds and grass clippings, so it has high levels of nutrients that will help your shrubs grow well.

To lay a mulch, measure the area you need to cover. Most shrubbery will require about 6-8″ of mulch to prevent weeds from growing underneath it.

Next, rake or collect the appropriate mulch material, and begin making an even layer on top of the ground.

Be sure to leave enough room around each shrub so there’s no overlap on its trunk or branches. Finally, water all of your newly laid mulch to stay evenly moist as it decomposes over time.

Using Herbicides:

After uprooting weeds with hand, the rhizomes of the weeds, which are stems that grow horizontally underground, will mostly spread the seeds. One of the best ways to get rid of weeds around shrubs is to use a chemical-free homemade weed killer like vinegar or lemon juice.

You can also choose a chemical-free weed killer of glyphosate labeled for use on lawns and shrubs, then make applications in fall or late summer when the plants are dormant because it kills most non-woody plants.

Use Plastic Sheet

Another good way to get rid of weeds around shrubs is to cover the soil around your shrubs with a transparent plastic sheet before invasive species have a chance to take hold. Weed barriers are typically made of plastic or fabric and are flexible enough to allow water and oxygen to pass through while keeping most weeds and grasses out.

You can place them directly on top of the soil or use stakes or string to keep them in place if the material is exposed to strong winds or other factors that may compromise its effectiveness.

Since some weed barrier materials are porous, it’s a good idea to add a layer of mulch on top once you’ve placed the barrier. This will reduce evaporation from the ground and deter invasive species from growing between the barrier and your plantings.

To help limit weed growth next year, apply a pre-emergent herbicide as soon as temperatures are consistently above freezing every week for two months.

Making Use of Tools:

There are various tools to get rid of weeds around shrubs, and they are one of the easiest ways to keep them clean of this unwanted guests. However, most tools are too powerful, not effective, or time-consuming.

getting rid of weeds around shrubs


Tools used for removing weeds around the plants

There are various tools available for removing weeds around shrubs, gardens, or crevices around the home. These tools have proven to be effective for this purpose and are thus listed below;

Weed Wrench

 Weed wrenches are specialized tools that look like a set of tongs. They are designed for removing individual weeds from their roots. A weed wrench will leave your lawn neat and orderly again after using it.

Toothed Weeding Tools: These tools are miniature saws with many small teeth on the inside edge to help cut through the weed’s root structure. They aren’t very effective at getting rid of large weeds quickly, but they are good for getting rid of very stubborn clumps of weeds.

Weed Wackers: 

They are used to cut down weeds one by one without handling them directly, which is useful for small plants or delicate flowers but can also be dangerous if not handled properly.

String trimmer: 

String trimmers are powered by gas, electricity, or a combination of the two. They spin fast, making them great for cutting tall grass, weeds, and plants. To use a string trimmer effectively: Start by pruning your shrubs so that you can easily reach the ground (or other plants) around them—this will make your work easier and keep you from accidentally cutting into your shrubs. Use long, even strokes when trimming. Go slowly and ensure to overlap your previous line by about six inches. When you’re done cutting the weeds, consider using a rake to clean the area around your shrubs.

Shovel: Another way is to use a shovel to dig up the weeds and the surrounding soil, then dispose of it properly by taking it to a faraway place or placing it carefully in a trash bag.


Rakes are typically used in a yard or garden to smooth out surfaces, such as the ground or sand. A rake can also get rid of weeds by pushing them over and into an area where they can be removed more easily. However, rakes are only helpful if you have a relatively small amount of weeds to deal with since it is difficult to rake up large swaths without disturbing the plants’ soil.


are another option for removing weeds from shrubs. Clipper blades usually run along the entire length of the tool, rather than at one end like on hand pruners. They can be extended or retracted to reach tight spaces or adjusted to make blades shorter or longer than five inches.

Weed removal is quick and easy with these easy-to-use products. Just spray in summer when the weeds grow or in spring before new growth begins. Brush off dead plants during warm-weather mowing, or prune out long overgrown stems and roots after winter.

How to Get Rid of Weeds In a Flower Bed

There are many ways to get rid of weeds in your flower bed, but you must be careful. If you aren’t careful, the process can cause damage to your plants or garden.

A good rule of thumb is to use a chemical-free approach first. You should use the least aggressive method first to avoid causing damage. This method includes:

  • Pulling out weeds by hand
  • If local ordinance allows, use a grass-catcher on your lawnmower to cut the weeds at ground level and leave them there.
  • Spraying vinegar on the weeds
  • Spraying saltwater on the weeds
  • Planting new plants in between existing ones so the weeds can’t grow as fast
  • Mulching around plants with newspaper or hay so that sunlight and water cannot reach them

Once the weeds have germinated, it is important to control them as soon as possible. Because when they mature, it will be harder to kill them without damaging your other plants.

The best time to get rid of new seedlings is when they’re still small; if you see any up through the soil or sprouts growing next to the flower bed, give it a little yank or spray it with some soapy water for good measure.

Some people prefer pulling weeds because using chemicals on the soil is unnecessary. For larger weeds growing for a while, spraying them with a soapy mix with vinegar will work best; ensure the soap is non-toxic and won’t hurt your lawn or other plants in your yard.

How to Remove Weeds From the Lawn

Weed removal can be challenging, especially when the weeds in question are hardy little buggers and seem to pop up in the unlikeliest places. Fortunately, there are a few tried and true methods for removing weeds.

Keep Your Lawn Healthy

The first step to weed removal is creating a good foundation. This means that you’ll need to ensure your lawn is healthy, making it more resistant to weeds and allowing it to grow back quickly if you’re having trouble with them. The best way to do this is by ensuring you have a healthy soil environment for your lawn.

Expect the Unexpected

No matter how well you prepare, some weeds will still pop up. Although it may be tempting, you should not use herbicides to get rid of them immediately after they show up; rather, wait until the next mowing cycle before treating them with herbicide. The herbicide will have time to kill the roots and prevent new weeds from growing.

Use Fertilizer Sparingly

Although fertilizer can be useful when establishing a new lawn or repairing damaged grass areas, it should not be used too often or excessively because it can encourage weed growth.

The best time to remove weeds from your lawn is fall or winter. In the spring, the sun will help dry out the roots of any weed you pull, but in the fall or winter, they’ll have a chance to go dormant and won’t be able to grow as much in spring.

So when you pull them now, they’ll be less likely to come back next year. If you can spot the main root of a weed, that’s where you should focus your efforts, rip it out at its base, so it’s easier for next year.

Make sure to get all parts of the root, though, because if any of it stays in the ground, new plants will grow from those pieces and make it harder for you to kill next year.