How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats from Patio and Yard

Do you want to get rid of mice and rats from patio and Outdoor? Are you looking for the best pest control solution for your location? You could rely on a DIY pest control solution that may give great results. But it is always a good idea to use professional services as well. Mice love to hide in yards, garages, and buildings, but they can be eliminated by removing the food supply that attracts them. Some natural methods work in getting rid of them. And if you don’t want to get rid of the mouse, then it can also be trapped quickly without hurting it. Mice and rats can do a lot of damage to your outdoor patio and outdoor living areas by eating through your fabric and messing up your furniture. They aren’t just unsightly; they are also a nuisance you need to eliminate. Luckily, there are several ways you can try to get rid of these pests for good.

What Attracts Mice and Rats to Your Patio

Mice are naturally curious and will attempt to get into places they shouldn’t be. They are attracted to your patio area because they’re looking for food. Mice are omnivores, and they need food to survive. So they will eat anything they can get their paws on, including your delicious barbecue food.  Mice are constantly on the move, meaning they can’t survive in places with no constant food source. They need to be able to find food quickly and easily.  They can also enter your home through holes or cracks in the wall, doorways, and window screens in search of food and shelter. They will find their way inside through gaps between the floorboards or even under doors. This means that mice like the outdoors and anywhere there are plenty of plants, trees, or shrubs. This makes your patio a perfect place for them to live.  If you are experiencing an infestation, it is important to take immediate action by sealing off all potential entry points into your home. You should also ensure that there are no food sources for mice, such as pet food or bird seed, stored anywhere within reach of where you live.

Where Mice and Rats Like to Hide 

Mice and rats are common pests in homes. They can live in the walls, behind furniture, and in small spaces of your home. These pests can cause a lot of damage to your home, so you need to learn how to get rid of them. Mice and rats are attracted to dark areas, as well as places where there is a lot of moisture. They prefer to be safe from predators, and they also want to keep warm.  They also like to hide in places with high ceilings because jumping from one place to another is easier. These rodents will also choose to hide in areas where food is available. Where mice and rats like to hide in places like:

  • Underneath rocks and logs
  • In the crevices of walls or inside holes that have been dug into the ground
  • Behind cardboard boxes, wood piles, or other piles of debris
  • In hollowed-out trees

How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats

How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats from Patio

If you have a patio, chances are that you’re also dealing with mice. Luckily, There are various ways to get rid of mice or rats from your outdoor or patio: 

1. Eliminate food sources:

The first step is to ensure there aren’t any food sources in the area, including pet food, birdseed, or even garbage that hasn’t been appropriately secured. Mice and rats rely on food, so if you don’t have any around your home or yard, the mice will probably leave.

2. Secure your trash tightly.

If you’ve got garbage barrels out in plain sight, mice and rats will be attracted to them. So ensure you secure your trash properly to prevent easy access to mice and rats. Mice are attracted to rotting food or crumbs, so if your waste is stinking up your outdoor space, it’ll be easier for them to find their way into your house. 

3. Keep birdseed in a secure container.

Mice love eating birdseed—so much so that they’ll chew through holes in walls and cabinets looking for it. To keep them away from your birdfeeders or petting zoo, keep birdseed securely stored away from where pets or children can access it (like in an animal-proof food container).

4. Cut and trim weeds 

If you have weeds growing around your patio, the mice can use them as shelter, making them less likely to move on. Even if you think they don’t need to be cut back because they’re already dead—they might not be. That’s why removing any weeds or other plants that could support rodent life or shelter for their young is important.

5. Make sure your grill is clean and unappealing to pests.

If you have a charcoal grill, ensure the ashes are removed from the grill and that there are no food particles on the grate. Clean every food particles that can attract rats or mice to your patio and yard. Keeping your grill and patio area clean will keep these rodents away from your patio. If there’s food on the grill—or if there are leftovers from being eaten—it could attract mice and rats.

6. Keep your patio area clean. 

Keep your patio area clean with weekly vacuuming or manually removing debris with a broom or shovel. Be sure to remove anything leftover from last season’s plants or trash; if you’re growing your herbs, cut them back before they go to seed so that mice can’t chew through them for shelter or nesting material.

7. Remove clutter

Don’t leave yard toys or old furniture lying around in the yard; these are great homes for rodents who will chew through electrical cords or wires to get at their food supply (and possibly even themselves). Rodents are very good at finding hiding places, so if you remove all unnecessary objects around your house, like furniture and shelves, you’ll have a much easier time keeping them out of your yard.

8. Avoid leaving food outside overnight.

Leaving food outside overnight is a great way to attract mice, rats, and other rodents, who love to eat your leftovers. Rodents will be drawn to the smell of food, and they can’t resist a good snack. Try storing all your food in a cabinet or freezer, which is out of reach from these rodents.

9. Use natural repellents for mice and rats.

These repellents do not kill the animal but keep them away from your property. Use natural repellents such as citrus fruit rinds, cedar chips, or peppermint oil to deter them from coming into your yard (they’re less likely to target something that smells sweet). The idea is to make the smell unpleasant enough for the mouse or rat to avoid coming around again.

10. Use an ultrasonic pest control machine. 

You can also try using ultrasonic pest control machines that emit high-frequency sound waves. These devices can effectively deter rodents from entering your home in the first place, so there’s no need for extra measures later on.  These machines use vibrations at ultrasonic frequencies (in the audible range) to scare away pests from yards or buildings without harming them or humans who may be nearby when used correctly. Use this method instead of resulting to use chemical repellants, which can be bad for your plants or pets. 

11. Set up motion-activated sprinklers to scare away rodents

This device will sprinkle water when it detects motion around your yard, scaring rats and other rodents away from your patio and yard. Place the device in areas where these rodents frequently pass to keep them away from your yard.   Set the sprinkler head at a 45° angle, making it look like a small bush when viewed from above. The sprinkler will spray water when it detects movement, which will scare away rodents who like to run through the sprinkler.

12. Use lights wisely to deter rodents.

Mice and rats are afraid of light, so use lights wisely to keep them away from your home. These include night lights, porch lights, and solar-powered lights that are positioned to shine on areas where mice or rats might be moving around at night time (such as under furniture).

13. Plant mint as a natural rodent repellent

Mint is one of the best plants for keeping mice and rats away from your patio or garden area. Mint has a strong scent that repels rodents by making them feel uncomfortable. These plants are known for their ability to repel pests such as mice and rats by producing a natural chemical called thymol, which can cause them discomfort if they come in contact with it through their skin or breathe in its fumes while traveling through air vents near rooms where mint plants are growing. Other plants that repel mice and rats include garlic, lavender, rosemary, and many more.  

14. Use Traps 

The best way to get rid of mice and rats from a patio is to use traps. Traps are effective in catching rodents but must be placed correctly. Mice and rats can enter attics and crawl spaces easily, so make sure that you put traps in areas where they will be most effective. There are different traps, such as glue traps which use glue to catch rodents. Snap traps are also common traps that can kill rodents in your yard. These traps are available in various stores online.  You should also place traps for mice in areas where there are no pets or children who might disturb them. Traps can be dangerous if they are around people, so make sure your traps are out of reach for children and animals. If you have already set up traps but still see mice or rats inside your home, you may need to reposition them. You could also try placing less-sensitive traps near your house or yard instead of where you live or work since these might be more likely to attract unwanted attention from wildlife experts or pest control companies. How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats

15. Use predator 

You can use a predator to eliminate mice and rats from your patio. There are many different predators, but the most common ones are cats, dogs, birds, or ferrets. The best way to get rid of mice and rats from your patio is by using one of these predators. Predators have strong teeth and can easily catch rodents. The most common predators used to catch rodents are cats and dogs. Cats are considered the best at catching rats because they are fast and have sharp teeth that can easily tear off a mouse’s head or tail without leaving any marks on its body. Dogs must be trained well before they can be used as predators since they also have sharp teeth, which will tear off a rodent’s head or tail without leaving any marks on its body.

16. Use poison baits

There are several ways to remove mice and rats from your patio. And one of the easiest ways is to use poison baits. Poison baits are a great way to eliminate mice, rats, and other critters. They do not require you to do any work, making them an easy choice for people who want to get rid of rodents without spending hours trying to trap them or poison them manually. Poison baits are designed to attract rodents (typically mice or rats), and then they eat or drink the poison, which kills them. You’ll want to place the poison where you see signs of mice or rats, such as droppings. There are several types of poison available that can be used on your patio, including rat poison pellets, rat poison blocks, and bait stations. You should always read the label before using poison bait on your patio.

How to Keep Mice off Patio Furniture

You can do a few things when you’re looking to keep mice off your patio furniture and cushions.

  • Set up a sonic repellent: This will help keep them from coming around your furniture and cushions at night when they’re most active. You can use a device that emits sounds like a dog whistle or an air horn—make sure it’s safe for pets.
  • Use dryer sheets: Dryer sheets as an effective mouse deterrent. Dryer sheets have a strong smell that will repel mice from areas they’re not wanted. Just place some dryer sheets in areas where you know mice are frequenting and watch how quickly they run away from the area. This is an easy way to keep all kinds of pests away from outdoor furniture and will help deter mice from chewing on your cushions.  
  • Spray with ammonia: Ammonia is a chemical substance that kills insects on contact and is toxic to many animals, including mice. It’s safe for humans and pets but should be used cautiously if you have pets or small children in the area.
  • Spray apple cider vinegar on your patio furniture: Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been a natural repellent for pests since the 1970s. It is an effective deterrent that contains acid; spraying apple cider on your furniture will repel mice from the area, but it won’t keep them away for long—they’ll just come back later with a vengeance when their scent is gone.
  • Place some cloves near your patio furniture: The smell of cloves will also ward off mice, but it won’t work for long if you have a lot of animals in your yard or on your property.
  • Use homemade repellents, such as peppermint and cayenne pepper: If you have time, make homemade repellents by mixing peppermint and cayenne pepper in a bowl until they form a paste that’s thick enough to use as an effective repellent (the amount depends on how strong you want it). You can also mix this deterrent with water in a spray bottle and sprinkle it on your furniture to keep rodents away. 
  • Soak cotton balls in citrus oil and place them near the patio furniture: The citrus oil will repel mice, which is why it’s called an “ant mouse repellent.” It’s also a great way to maintain a fresh scent for your outdoor living area.
  • Store furniture away: It’s a lot of work to ensure your patio furniture is clean and free of mice, but it’s worth it. Mice can get into your cushions and destroy them, so make sure you store your outdoor furniture tightly and at least 6 inches (15 cm) away from the ground, making it hard for mice to access when not in use. This will keep them out, and it’ll be easier to clean up any accidents they cause.
  • Eliminate the food source: If you notice mice are getting into your cushions, there may be a food source nearby—like birdseed or birdfeeders that have been left out overnight. If you notice a pile of birdseed on your patio furniture, take it away immediately before mice can get to it, and make it hard for mice to access this food to keep them away. 
  • Secure the garbage: Mice like garbage because they find lots of leftovers and food crumbs there. Keep garbage in tightly sealed bins or dumpsters until trash collection day, so rodents don’t have access to nearby food sources. 
  • Traps: If you want to kill the mice living in your basement and slowly moving up into the attic, try using mouse traps. Just ensure they’re placed in an inaccessible area to children and pets (or anyone who might accidentally step on them). They should also be placed near windows so the mice can get into them easily.
  • Poison Bait:  If you want to kill the mice immediately, try using poison bait pellets or glue traps. You should place these at the base of any potential entry points (like under rugs or behind furniture legs) where you know mice may be moving through your home undetected; regularly check for signs of activity (crawling around in dark corners or chewing holes, opening around the wall and more) and place this poisoned bait there.  
  • Clear away any food or trash that may be piled up nearby.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Mice and Rats

1. Mothballs

One of the most effective home remedies for mice and rats is mothballs. They are made of naphthalene, which is toxic to rodents and people. If you use it in a bathroom and share it with your pets, be sure to do so only once every month before vacuuming the area thoroughly, as naphthalene doesn’t dissipate quickly from surfaces.

2. Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is another good option for getting rid of mice and rats. You can sprinkle peppermint oil on areas where there are signs of rodent activity (like under sinks), or you can rub peppermint oil on cotton balls and leave them in places frequented by mice or rats for at least several days. After doing so, you may also want to put some mothballs in the area, just in case any leftover droppings are lying around that can attract more mice or rats if they smell them. Peppermint oil contains menthol crystals that create a cooling sensation that makes animals uncomfortable and smells great. Alternatively, mix two tablespoons of peppermint oil with one cup of warm water in a spray bottle with an airtight seal. Then spray areas where rodents congregate to keep them away.  Home remedies to get rid of mice and rats

3. Fabric softener sheets

Fabric softener sheets are another way to keep rodents out of your home—and they’re super easy to use. Hang several sheets around the base of doors leading into areas where mice follow into the home or yard to keep them away. 

4. Dryer sheets:

This is a tried-and-true method for keeping mice and rats away from your space. Just sprinkle a few dryer sheets over the area where you want to keep pests from coming in, and the odor repels them.

5. Cat litter:

Mice don’t like cat litter, so if you’ve got one of those little critters running around, this might work. Place some cat litter in an area frequented by mice or rats, and they’ll avoid it, according to Rachel Edwards at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine

6. Cocoa powder

Cocoa powder is also a great natural way to keep mice away from your home. Just sprinkle some cocoa powder around where you see signs that they’ve been visiting (like droppings). They’ll find it hard to navigate around the powder once they’ve stepped in it, so they’ll stay away from that area.  Cocoa powder dehydrates rats and mice when they eat it and makes them go out searching for water. You can also make a mixture of cocoa powder and cinnamon, which will help repel mice, rats, and other pests.

7. Mustard oil

The smell of mustard oil deters mice and rats. If you have a lot of mice in your house or garage, try putting some mustard oil around where they’re frequenting, like under cabinets and corners. The smell will keep them away from these areas, and the oil is harmless to humans.

8. Plants and herbs

Plants can help repel rodents by making their habitat less appealing. This is another good way to deter and eliminate mice and rats from your home and yard. You can also use plants that rodents dislike, like rosemary, lavender, basil, mint, and catnip—these are all natural repellents for mice. 

9. Ammonia

Ammonia has been used as an effective rodent repellent for many years, so it’s worth considering if you have a lot of rodents in your home. Use ammonia-based products (like Pine-Sol) to spray around areas where mice or rats frequently visit (like underneath sinks). Another option is adding ammonia into the areas where mice or rats are present. You can mix ammonia with water and spray it onto plants they may be visiting or damaging (like straw). This will kill them quickly.

How to Get Rid of Mice With Vinegar

Mice are a common problem in many homes, but there are some simple solutions that can help you get rid of mice without using harmful chemicals. Vinegar is a natural way to keep mice out of your home. It works by deterring them away using through it smells which they hate, and will avoid it. Using vinegar is safe for pets and children, inexpensive, and effective. Here’s how:

  1. Fill a spray bottle with a mixture of half vinegar and half water. Mix it well so that the vinegar dissolves into the water.
  2. Spray the mixture on areas where you see mice or other pests. You can also use it around garbage bins or food storage areas to keep them away from your belongings.
  3. If you find dead mice or other animals in your home, try spraying whatever area they were in with this mixture before calling an exterminator or getting professional help with exterminating rodents, or applying other methods.

Best Way to Get Rid of Mice Droppings

Mice droppings are smelly and nasty and can make your home seem even dirtier than it is. You may even start falling sick when exposed to them. If you’re looking to get rid of the problem once and for all, here’s how to do it: There are several ways to get rid of the droppings from your cushions. The first thing you can do is vacuum them up using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. The brush will help remove any larger pieces of fur and hair stuck in your cushion’s fabric. If you don’t have access to a vacuum cleaner, you can use a mixture of water and bleach to clean up any unwanted particles left behind by the mice. Mix 1 part bleach with nine parts water in a spray bottle and spray onto the affected area until it is fully saturated with bleach solution. Leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing off with clean water and scrubbing off any remaining residue with either a nylon brush or cloth rag until no more dirt or debris can be seen within the cushions’ fabric coverings. Alternatively, you can use these methods below to clean stains of mice droppings on your cushions  1. Fill a bowl with water and add 1 cup of vinegar. The smell will be gone in about 15 minutes. 2. Fill a spray bottle with warm water and add one tablespoon of dish soap. Spray all over the cushions and then let them sit for 10 minutes before vacuuming up all the excess water.

How to Protect Your Wicker Furniture From Mice
rats on cushion

How to Protect Your Wicker Furniture From Mice

Protecting your wicker furniture from mice can be as easy as keeping the food they like to eat out of it. Here’s how:

  1. Keep all food away from the wicker furniture. Placing it where mice can’t get at it will help keep them away.
  2. Keep the wicker furniture covered with a heavy blanket or quilt during cold months, especially when temperatures drop below freezing. This will help keep the mice from finding and eating through your blanket, which can be made of wool, cotton, or other materials that are not very attractive to mice.
  3. Use an electric fence around your entire garden to keep mice out of your yard and away from your house.
  4. Use detergent or bleach on washable fabrics like linen or cotton quilts so that they won’t be attractive to mice who would chew through them in search of food sources like wool stuffing or cotton batting found inside pillows, blankets, and comforters.
  5. Seal the holes in the furniture with some sealant or caulk. You can also use glue or tape to close up any remaining openings. This will keep mice from being able to enter and gnaw on the wood of your furniture.
  6. Any spilled food or liquid should be cleaned immediately so rodents cannot get at it or build a nest out of it. This can be tricky if you have children or pets who may not understand why they should clean up after themselves in the kitchen and then again in the dining room.
  7. Use repellent sprays and powders. These products are available at most pet stores and online retailers like Amazon and Walmart (and Target if you’re lucky). They work by giving off an unpleasant scent that mice don’t like, so they’ll avoid your furniture. You can also use these sprays and powders to repel mice by spraying them directly on your furniture.

How to Keep Mice out of the Deck Box

Mice are a real problem when storing your deck box in a garage or shed. They’ll chew through boxes if they are taken care of in time. If mice are entering your deck box, there are a few ways to get rid of them. One is to use a mouse repellent. This will cause the mice to leave your deck box. You can also buy an electric mouse trap that catches mice and then releases catches mice and then releases them outside. Other methods are listed below: 

  • Use bait and poison to kill mice before they can get in.
  • Keep the lid closed when you aren’t using the box so they can’t reach in.
  • Keep your deck box clean and organized. Mice like messy environments, so keep their food sources away from the box by keeping it well-organized and regularly cleaning it out.
  • Get rid of any garbage on your property at least twice per week. Garbage attracts mice, so make sure to remove it regularly.
  • Use repellents or gloves to keep mice away from your property. Mice are highly attracted to many things, especially food, so use repellent sprays or gloves around the areas where they tend to run. 

Scent that Keep Mice Away

There are many scents that mice hate, so if you’re trying to keep them out of your house, you should consider adding some of these scents to keep them away.

  • Peppermint essential oil; mice don’t like the mint smell, and peppermint is a great deterrent to mice. Just put a few drops in your pantry or bathroom cabinets, and you’ll be good to go.
  • Cinnamon essential oil: A little goes a long way, so if you’re using it on the sofa, just a few drops should do the trick.
  • Lavender essential oil; If you have lavender essential oil, use it in a spray bottle with water and mix it with rosemary essential oil for a lovely scent that’s sure to keep mice away
  • Garlic Scent: mice don’t like the smell of garlic, so sprinkling some around your home will keep them away.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: This is great for repelling mice because it’s acidic and has natural anti-bacterial properties that are great at killing off germs and bacteria that might be present in the air or on surfaces where there’s been mouse activity (like wood furniture).
  • Lemon Juice: this one’s not for everyone, but if you have an aversion to lemon juice, you can add a few drops to your detergent when washing clothes and furniture. It’ll keep mice at bay.
  • Other oils to keep rats and other rodents t bay include Rosemary essential oil, Geraniums, Mint, and Cedarwood.