Are Insulated Patio Covers Worth it | Everything You Need to know

Insulated patio covers are worth it if you want to be able to use your patio year-round. If you are looking for a way to make your patio more usable in the winter, insulated covers are an excellent solution.

They are highly effective at keeping out the cold, and they can also reduce heat loss so that your home stays warmer. Insulated patio covers are a great investment, especially if you have any outdoor furniture.

Also, If you live in an area where it often rains or has particularly strong winds, then insulated patio covers can be a great investment.

They are a great way to extend your patio season and keep it looking great. The cost of an insulated cover is relatively low compared to its benefits. If you have a patio and don’t have an insulated cover yet, you should consider getting one.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Insulated Patio Roof


  • The first and most obvious benefit of an insulated patio cover is protecting your furniture from rain and snow. If you live in a place where it rains or snows frequently, this is an essential feature for any patio cover. An insulated cover will keep the furniture dry and prevent damage during the winter months.
  • Another benefit of having an insulated patio cover is that it will keep your home warmer in the winter months and cooler in the summer months. This will help reduce energy costs because less heat will need to be used inside your home during these seasons when temperatures outside are cold or hot.
  • Insulated patio roofs also help reduce the amount of noise that enters your home. A warm attic can act as a sound barrier between your home and outside noises, protecting you from loud traffic or nearby construction projects.
  • An insulated patio roof will also keep out moisture, leading to damage or mold growth inside your walls.
  • Insulation on a patio roof helps protect against sun damage and fading. This can save you money by extending the life of carpets and furniture and other accessories exposed to the elements.


  • An insulated patio roof can be more expensive than other roofs because it requires additional materials such as insulation, foam boards, and drywall for installation purposes. It is also important to ensure that all vents are sealed properly so that water cannot leak into them from above. If not addressed immediately, this could cause serious damage after noticing any leaks near vents or seams where two pieces meet together.
  • You may need to change your home’s layout if you install an insulated patio roof. This could be as simple as moving your doorbell to another location or requiring a significant re-working of the entranceway into your home.

Temperature Difference between Insulated vs. Non-Insulated

Insulated and non-insulated are two types of thermal insulation. They are used for different reasons, with the main difference being that insulated works to keep heat in and non-insulated works to keep heat out.

Insulated is a material that has been treated with a substance that prevents heat from escaping. The most common type of insulation is fiberglass, which is made from glass strands or yarns. Fiberglass can be found in many homes, including attic insulation and flooring insulation.

Non-insulated material does not have any substance added to it to prevent heat from escaping. For example, wood that has been treated with paint or stain would be considered non-insulated because it will not work as an effective barrier against heat loss.

The temperature difference between insulated and non-insulated is significant. The temperature difference can reach as high as 30 degrees Celsius. The insulation value of a building is measured by its thermal resistance, which is expressed in RSI (Rounded Standard Index). If a building has an RSI value of less than 50, it is considered a cold building. Most of the buildings in Europe have an RSI value of about 60.

Insulation is designed to prevent heat from escaping through the walls, roof, and ceiling of a home. As a result, insulated homes are more energy efficient because they require less heating or cooling than non-insulated houses. The most common materials used for insulation include fiberglass, cork, and cellulose.

Insulation can be installed on both the exterior and interior walls of your home. In most cases, it’s installed between joists or rafters in the attic space above the ceiling line

Insulated vs. Uninsulated Patio Cover Pros and Cons

Pro of insulated patio cover

  • Insulated patio covers are more energy-efficient and offer greater protection from the elements.
  • An insulated patio cover will provide a more comfortable outdoor living space.
  • Insulated patio covers may increase the value of an existing home or property.
  • An insulated patio cover will also protect your home from the outside temperature.
  • The insulated patio covers a lower noise level.
  • Insulated patio covers may increase the value of an existing home or property.
  • The insulation on an insulated patio cover is typically not visible, making it a more seamless addition to your home.
  • Insulated patio covers offer greater flexibility in terms of design and customization options.

Insulated Patio Cover Cons

  • Expensive
  • Need proper footing, or they can become a hazard.
  • Zoning restrictions

Pros of uninsulated patio cover

  • Uninsulated patio covers are more affordable and easier to repair.
  • Uninsulated patio covers allow for more direct light to enter the outdoor space.
  • An uninsulated patio cover allows for ventilation in the outdoor space.
  • Uninsulated aluminum patio covers are less expensive.
  • The uninsulated patio cover creates a more natural feel than insulated patio covers, as you will be able to enjoy and hear sounds from the outside.
  • If you have a swimming pool, uninsulated patio covers allow you to dry off without going into the house.

Uninsulated Patio Cover Cons

  • No weather control
  • UV exposure

are insulated patio covers worth it

Insulated patio cover cost

Insulated patio covers are the perfect way to extend your outdoor living space in the warmer months. But, if you’re thinking about installing one, you need to know about the cost and installation of insulated patio covers.

The cost of an insulated patio cover varies depending on how much insulation is required in your area. Of course, the more insulation you have, the more expensive it will be.

Installation costs can vary widely depending on whether you want to do it yourself or hire a professional contractor. If you hire a professional contractor, expect to pay anywhere from $14 per square foot of total surface area covered by your new patio cover.

Insulated patio covers are available at many home improvement stores and lumberyards if you tend to do it yourself. They come in different sizes to fit most types of patio furniture sets.

An insulated patio cover is one of the most affordable ways to add value to your home by protecting you from extreme weather conditions while still allowing you to use your patio throughout all seasons.

DIY Insulated patio cover installation

It is best to seek a professional when you want to build an insulated patio cover. This is because the approach to each patio depends on the home’s structure. Below is a DYI video illustration of an aluminum-insulated patio cover.

How to install a ceiling fan on an insulated aluminum patio

Installing a ceiling fan on an insulated aluminum patio can be tricky. Here are some tips to help you get through it.

  • First, measure the ceiling height on your patio. You’ll need to know that to buy the right size fan.
  • Next, decide where the fixture will be installed. You need to make sure that it’s at least seven feet away from any walls or furniture so you can safely operate it.
  • Now it’s time to remove the old light fixture and the wire box cover. You can unscrew them with a screwdriver and remove them from their brackets on either side of the ceiling joists.
  • Drill two holes through your ceiling joist with a masonry bit large enough to fit over your mounting bracket screws, then push those screws up through those holes and into place until they are snug against their heads inside of them (you may need a helper for this step).
  • Slip your new mounting bracket over your existing one, aligning its slots with those in your ceiling joist or rafter before tightening down its screws using a wrench or screwdriver (the latter works better if the latter works you’re working alone).

 Can you walk on insulated patio covers?

Yes, you can walk on insulated patio covers. Insulated patio covers are made of polyethylene foam and covered with a thick layer of polyurethane foam. This combination makes the material extremely durable to withstand the weight of people walking on it.

The only thing to be careful about is that you don’t slip on the cover. If the cover is wet or slippery, it could cause someone to fall off the patio cover and hurt themselves. Also, they can start to sag in the middle from too much weight being placed on one side.

This can cause problems to the cover structure and lead to leaks or damage to your home. Walking on your covered patio will help prevent this from happening by distributing weight evenly across the entire surface of the cover.


All-in-all, you should consider installing an insulated patio cover if you have the extra cash and you live in a colder region.

The benefits of installing these covers far outweigh the costs associated with them, and it may be something that could make your backyard more enjoyable to use during the winter months.

It is well worth considering what these covers can do for your property. But, in the end, what matters is whether a particular patio cover will work for you. Your climate, budget, and personal preferences are just a few factors to consider.

In other words, any given patio cover may be worth it, depending on the specifics of your situation, and that’s something you should definitely keep in mind.